
baby in cot

She gets up to check on her baby and discovers what her dog does at 3 am (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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It was 3 am and Taylor Cook decided to check if her little baby girl, Espy, was sleeping soundly.

When Taylor entered her daughter's room, she was in for a small surprise.

Her dog, Lee, was fast asleep on the elevated changing table! Taylor burst into silent laughter (careful not to wake her baby) and rushed back to her room to grab her phone.

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A little intruder

She knew she couldn’t keep this moment to herself. She absolutely had to film it.

And she made the right decision. The video went viral on TikTok, amassing over 16.5 million views! Normally, Lee sleeps in his dog bed in his humans’ room. Taylor had never seen him do anything like this before.

A very strong bond

Lee became incredibly attached to Taylor when she was pregnant. He wouldn’t leave her side and wanted to be involved in everything she did. However, since Espy’s arrival, Lee is no longer the centre of attention he once was.

Taylor believes this could explain why he’s started doing things like climbing onto the changing table – he’s trying to mimic the baby’s behaviour! 

Despite this, Lee and Espy have a wonderful bond. They do everything together and are sure to grow up as the best of friends.

We urge Wamiz readers to always be cautious when letting a pet play with a child. No matter how sweet pets can be, they may sometimes feel uncomfortable with a child's rough play and children can’t always pick up on that. Better safe than sorry, always supervise interactions between a child and an animal!

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