
Emaciated brown dog in garden

Surveyor mapping out a house makes horrifying discovery in the back garden

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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A surveyor in Florida came across a horrific scene during a routine visit to the property. Shocked and angered, he immediately stepped in to help.

The surveyor was mapping out the property when he heard a noise coming from the end of the garden. 

Creeping closer, he came face to face with an emaciated Pit Bull Terrier. 

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A shocking scene

The poor pup had been abandoned, exposed to the elements and absolutely starving. 

Nearby, an old wire kennel contained the remains of two dogs who had passed away.

Horrified by the shocking scene, the surveyor knew he couldn't leave the dog behind. He cut her free and took her home, stopping on the way to report what he'd found. 

Fundraising to cover vet bills

Once home, he got to work rehabilitating the starving girl. 

She needed small, regular meals while she waited for a vet appointment. Despite all she'd been through, the brown Pit Bull was loving to everyone she met. 

Described as "gentle and friendly", she was named Hope. 

Hope's rescuer has set up a fundraiser to get her the care she needs. And as soon as she's fit and healthy, he will find her the perfect family.  

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