
Dog swimming in sea

The family where devastated when their dog vanished from their boat.

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Dog disappears during sea trip, owners read newspaper next day and are stunned

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A family’s boating trip near Fort Myers Beach, Florida, turned heartbreaking when their beloved dog, Ellie, went missing.

The family had been enjoying a day on the water, with Ellie joining in on the fun. However, while manoeuvring the boat, the owner briefly lost sight of Ellie, and the dog vanished without a trace.

Desperate search for Ellie 

The family immediately launched a frantic search, but as night fell and their fuel reserves dwindled, they were forced to abandon their efforts. Heartbroken, they returned to shore, fearing the worst.

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The next morning, however, brought an unexpected twist. While reading the local newspaper, they were stunned to find a story about a dog that was found swimming alone in the Gulf of Mexico. 

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Happy ending!

To their astonishment, it was Ellie! The dog had drifted over two kilometres from where she had fallen, swimming for more than an hour before being spotted by a couple on a dinner cruise.

Rescued by the ship’s crew, Ellie was safely brought ashore, making local headlines in the process. The family was overjoyed to be reunited with their beloved pet, grateful for their miraculous happy ending.

Watch Ellie's remarkable story:

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