
Man and a woman stop next to an injured street dog
© Fabio Pugliese / Facebook

Watch: Moving moment kind samaritans stop to save an injured dog

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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A couple didn't think twice when they spotted an injured street dog, quickly stepping in to help. Their story shows the difference an act of kindness can make.

An act of compassion unfolded in the village of Corigliano, Italy, when a man and a woman found themselves in a difficult situation. 

They were walking along when they noticed a stray dog. He had clearly been injured and was unable to walk. 

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Heartwarming kindness

Without hesitation, the couple called the emergency services to come and take the dog to safety.

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Where some may have just moved on, they decided to stay with the dog, offering him comfort until help arrived. 

A sigh of relief 

Thankfully, after what must have felt like an endless wait, the emergency team arrived on the scene. 

The events were caught on camera, and the clip was later shared by Fabio Pugliese on Facebook. 

"There is humanity in this video. These people make me feel proud to be from Calabria! Well done!", he writes. "You are an example to us all, and couldn't be more different to those that abandon their dogs on the motorway". 

This caring couple shows the importance that lies in a single act of kindness. And with so many stray dogs living in central and southern Italy, their story may play a part in raising awareness further afield. 

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