
Dog sitting on owners back as they snorkel
© weratedogs - Instagram

People see dog floating on water; when they realise why, they start to laugh

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A video of a man snorkelling has gone viral because of what (or should we say who) is on his back.

The short clip shows a dog hitching a ride on its owner's back during a snorkelling trip.

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Captain canine

The little dog, possibly a Jack Russell, perched regally atop its human companion, appears completely at ease as the duo cruise along the water's surface.

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The clip, captioned "A man and his best friend enjoying the sea," has attracted millions of views and likes on Instagram. Viewers were tickled by the sight, with many commenting on the unique form of "pet skiing" and expressing amusement at the dog's captain-like pose.

Among the light-hearted responses was one Instagram user's joke about potential tan lines, sparking a wave of humour.

Adventurous pups

In a tongue-in-cheek comment, one viewer humorously warned against the activity, imagining a scenario where dogs might master sailing and embark on global adventures, creating "Puperica," a land of adventurous pups "with thousands of good bois and girls."

However, not all viewers were amused. Some expressed concerns about the dog's exposure to the sun and the lack of a life vest.

But whatever your thoughts, the clip certainly highlighted the wonderful bond between a man and his best friend.

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