
Mixed-breed Dog Carlo
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Dog finds a "sausage" after New Year's Eve, but it turns out to be something else

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A New Year's Day dog walk took a shocking turn when a Stuttgart woman’s dog made a gruesome discovery.

While on her usual morning stroll with her mixed-breed dog Carlo, the peaceful outing turned into an unforgettable and macabre experience.

Suddenly, Carlo began barking loudly, drawing attention to something in the bushes. At first glance, the object appeared to be a harmless stick. 

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Carlo's alarming discovery

Then, the owner thought it might be a Halloween prank, mistaking it for a plastic finger. But closer inspection revealed the horrifying truth.

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The mysterious object Carlo had found was a real human finger.

The shocked dog owner immediately called the police. Officers secured the severed finger and sent it to a hospital for further examination. The grim mystery was soon solved.

Firework mishap

Authorities confirmed the finger belonged to a 33-year-old man who suffered a serious firework accident on New Year's Eve, losing two fingers in the process.

The man was taken to hospital that night, but doctors were unable to reattach the severed digit. Tragically, the second missing finger has not yet been found.

This New Year's Day walk will certainly be one to remember for both Carlo and his owner. Meanwhile, the search for the other finger continues, serving as a stark reminder of the dangers of fireworks.

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