
guilty looking chocolate labrador

Owner notices her dog looking guilty, then sees why and can't help laughing (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Ever wondered if dogs feel guilty? Check out this chocolate Labrador's reaction to being caught getting up to no good.

Ari is a beautiful chocolate Labrador who sent herself to the naughty corner for her wayward behaviour.

When Ari's owner woke up, she immediately noticed the Labrador was sitting rather awkwardly in the corner beside a cupboard with just her snout sticking out. 

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Naughty corner

Instantly sensing something wasn't right, she went over to the dog to investigate.

Looking very guilty and struggling to keep eye contact, Ari shuffled on her paws while her owner surveyed the scene.

Canine crime scene investigation

As she looked around, the true extent of Ari’s crime became evident. During the night, the dog had somehow managed to pull a smoked pig’s leg down onto the floor. While still attached to the hook, the pig’s leg was lying on the ground. But it didn’t appear to have signs of being chomped. 

Perhaps the dog had had second thoughts about going all the way with her crime spree or quickly regretted her actions and felt remorseful. But either way, this guilty pup put herself in the naughty corner before her owner even got the chance to tell her off!

Hopefully, she didn't get into too much trouble.

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