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Driver stops to ask for help with her dog: Then she does an unimaginable thing

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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Animal lovers were left in disbelief recently, when a motorway driver stopped to ask for help with her dog. Then, the unthinkable happened... 

The day started out like any other for one caring samaritan, who quickly found herself in the strangest situation. 

She was taking a break at a service station when a lady approached her, asking if she could hold her dog while she visited the bathroom. 

A shocking turn of events

It wasn't until some time had passed that a sinking feeling came over the woman. 

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The dog's owner had taken far too long, and she wasn't showing any sign of coming back. In total disbelief, she contacted the Oberhausen Animal Welfare Association.

How could she do such a thing? 

The rescue team immediately knew what had happened. 

The owner had tricked the lady into holding onto the dog, while she got in her car and drove away! 

To make matters worse, the poor pup had clearly just given birth. Alone and confused, she had been heartlessly abandoned. 

This was clearly not the dog's first litter, but now, tragically, her babies would grow up without their mother. 

Thankfully the team were happy to take her in, and the little dog proved to be the most loving, affectionate girl. Her owner's cruel act actually marked a new beginning, full of the love and care she deeply deserved. 

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