
Child rescues dog from water
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Boy spots stranded dog, what he does next leaves everyone stunned (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

A young boy's act of kindness towards a dog stranded on a flooded street has won the hearts of millions worldwide.

The clip shows a helpless-looking white puppy, unsure how to navigate the treacherous waters.

Young saviour

However, as the dog stands there hopelessly surrounded by flood water, his saviour appears as a compassionate boy. Once the youngster sees the dog's precarious situation, he immediately springs into action.

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Undeterred, the boy comes up with a clever solution to rescue the stranded dog. Using bricks scattered nearby, he constructs a makeshift path through the water, leading directly to the frightened canine.

Viral star

The boy carefully crosses the path he created, inching closer to the stranded dog with each step. Eventually reaching the distressed pup, he scoops it up into his arms and carries it to safety, ensuring it remains dry throughout the rescue.

If rescuing the dog wasn't enough, the boy then shares the contents of his lunchbox with him!

Check out the clip for yourself:

Moved by the touching display of empathy and compassion, viewers from across the globe have shared the video extensively up to 10 million times.

What an amazing lad!

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