
alison hammond petting red husky
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Viewers notice disturbing behaviour from Alison Hammond during last FLOD episode

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Published on the

When Paul O’Grady passed away in March 2023, the hunt was on for the perfect TV personality to replace him. Sadly, ITV’s choice has not pleased the public.

Alison Hammond, also co-presenter of the This Morning show, started presenting For the Love of Dogs in April 2024. Since then, she has had to deal with a whirlwind of criticism from the general public, and more specifically, from Paul O’Grady fans.

Criticism from FTLOD fans

Many believe that Alison was not right for the role as she does know dogs well enough, not even owning dogs of her own. Many also criticised the fact that she was "too loud" for the rescues she was visiting.

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Though Hammond was aware of the backlash surrounding her presenting the show, she powered through and it seemed that the tide was turning in her favour.

Unfortunately, last night’s episode seems to have swayed the public in a negative direction once again.

Alison Hammond: Afraid of dogs?

Hammond was seen helping staff with a Husky’s physiotherapy. Viewers noticed that she seemed uncomfortable in the dog’s presence, not knowing how to handle her, and keeping her distance.

In response to the scene, one viewer commented:

"It’s so painfully obvious that Alison hasn’t had much to do with animals full stop, not just dogs. #ForTheLoveOfDogs."

Another said:

"I've really tried but she doesn't seem at all relaxed around the dogs and is never covered in fur and rarely sits on the floor and have her face licked like #PaulOGrady would.. #FLOD"

A dog owner who was interviewed by Hammond years prior confirmed that she was afraid of dogs, but had insisted on carrying out the interview because she had « a mortgage to pay ».

Seems like Alison will never get a break for trying to replace Paul…what do you think of her?

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