
White mixed breed dog in Oregon shelter
© The Asher House / YouTube

Man visits shelter to adopt one dog but leaves with unexpected surprise (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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When Lee Asher visited Oregon Dog Rescue, he knew he might be coming away with a new friend. He just never expected the surprise that awaited him.

Lee Asher of The Asher House works tirelessly to promote dog adoption across America, often offering dogs a home at his sanctuary when they have a hard time finding a family of their own. 

So when he was called in to visit a dog by Oregon Dog Rescue, he didn't think twice. 

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Love at first sight

In a video shared on YouTube, Lee explains that he was originally asked to come and meet a very sweet dog with special needs. 

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The little guy was called Hank, and a neurological disorder meant he struggled to walk properly. 

His physical difficulties had done nothing to dampen his spirits, and it was love at first sight between Lee and the happy white dog. 

When shelter staff explained that Hank had received no interest, Lee showed no hesitation in offering to take him back to the sanctuary. 

An unexpected meeting 

While Lee was getting to know Hank, the shelter staff decided to bring another dog called Garth into the room. 

Garth, who looks just like Scooby Doo, had been returned to the rescue from foster and was also struggling to find a home. Hank and he hit it off immediately, leaving Lee to ask the question everyone hoped to hear. 

"You've been here a while my friend", he whispered to the dog. "Do you want to come home with me?". 

Garth shows no hesitation at the prospect of joining Hank and Lee on their adventure back to the sanctuary. While Lee may have only intended on bringing one furry friend home, it was clearly the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 

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