
coyote puppy

Family take in abandoned puppy but soon discover they've made a grave mistake

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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A family from New England came across what they believed to be an abandoned puppy. But little did they know their mistake could have cost them their lives. 

When kind samaritans came across a tiny puppy abandoned by the side of the road, they didn't hesitate to help. Bundling up the disoriented creature, they made their way home. 

But once there, they realised they had made a terrible mistake. 

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A shocking discovery

It turned out that the puppy they thought they had rescued was, in actual fact, a coyote!

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The New England Wildlife Centre shared the story on Facebook, explaining, "the family called us for help. The animal was transferred to the Mass Wildlife Association for rehabilitation". 

Risky mistakes

The coyote will now be cared for by experts who understand the species. But things could have turned out very differently had the pup stayed with the family. 

A bite from a coyote could be disastrous, as coyotes can carry rabies, which is fatal to humans. 

"If the people who found the coyote had been scratched, bitten or had prolonged contact with it, we would be obliged to euthanise the animal and test for rabies", writes the wildlife centre. 

Thankfully, on this occasion, the story had a happy ending. The pup is now safe and sound, and once vaccinated, it will be given the chance to grow and learn natural behaviours alongside a foster sibling. 

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