
Dog discovered in bushes
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Couple's woodland walk reveals life-changing discovery in the bushes (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A couple’s holiday took an unexpected turn when they made a startling discovery during a woodland walk. Little did they know it would transform their lives.

On holiday in Puerto Rico, Victoria Martinez and Brian Fair caught sight of something in a bush. When they went to take a closer look, they discovered a tiny, trembling dog named Taíno, abandoned and alone.

Second chance for Taíno

Overwhelmed by compassion, they wrapped him in a towel and brought him to Victoria’s grandparents’ home, where they cleaned and fed the frightened pup.

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Though unsure if they would keep him initially, their hearts quickly melted, and they couldn’t bear to leave Taíno behind when returning to the US. From that moment on, he was never alone.

Fast forward to today, and Taíno has become a well-traveled companion, accompanying his adoptive family on adventures across the US, visiting state parks, and even learning to paddle board and jet ski. He also frequently returns to Puerto Rico with Victoria to visit her grandparents.

Faithful canine companion

Taíno was also an integral part of Victoria and Brian’s wedding, donning a suit tailored by Brian’s mother, joining the groomsmen in a proud procession down the aisle and behaving impeccably throughout the ceremony. He even joined in the family’s Thanksgiving celebration by expressing his gratitude.

However, upon their return to the US, the couple discovered Taíno had a previously unnoticed leg injury. Fortunately, the vet was able to treat it, although he’s also having to cope with arthritis affecting his joints. But despite this, he remains energetic, enjoying fields, beaches, and ocean swims.

Watch Taíno's rescue story:

More adventures await Taíno, as Victoria is expecting a baby early next year, and he will become a big brother, adding another chapter to his remarkable journey.

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