
Tattoo of dog's teeth
© yuggstife - TikTok

Everyone confused by woman's unique tattoo until story behind it is revealed

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Lizzy del Bosque, a tattoo artist in Montreal, was excited when a client approached her for a custom tattoo but was left baffled by what they wanted.

The client asked Lizzy to tattoo a series of shapes above a curved line on her arm.

Lizzy admits she was initially concerned as she didn’t understand what the tattoo represented. 

Unusual inking

Then, the client showed Lizzy her reference photo and revealed its reasoning, and everything fell into place. As it turned out, the tattoo was a tribute to the client’s Bulldog’s teeth. Suddenly, the tattoo made sense.

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Sweet tribute

The client wanted an original tattoo to remind her of her dog. And sure enough, it’s not every day that you see someone getting their dog’s teeth inked on their arm.

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Once Lizzy completed the tattoo, she shared a photo of it on social media. The response was overwhelming. People couldn’t help but gush over how adorable it is and how it’s a touching symbol of the woman’s deep affection for her beloved dog.

Do you have a tattoo that honours your pet?

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