
Cute Spanish Greyhound

Couple adopt former stray: This is the first thing he did when he arrived home

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

Published on the

Mango the Spanish Greyhound spent his first two years on the streets. Here's how he reacted when he walked into his forever home for the first time.

If you'd spent every day living on the streets, what's the first thing you'd do upon entering your real home? Jump in the shower? Raid the fridge? Snuggle up by the radiator?

All good answers. But Mango the Spanish Greyhound had other ideas. After realising his life as a stray street dog was over, he only had one thing on his mind.

Transform your pet into a work of art!
Give it a try!

"I'll take the sofa"

As soon as he walked through the door of his forever home, Mango sprinted straight for the comfy sofa. Then he snuggled up under a blanket and enjoyed the best nap ever.

In fact, that's pretty much the only thing Mango did for the first few months in his new home. The pup would spend most of the day snoozing, resting, and whining for pets from his humans, which they were more than happy to give.

Mango's new people, Blake and Jayne, from New York, came across his story on the Facebook page of a Spanish animal rescue service. 

Mango was found wandering around an abandoned train station. He was severely malnourished, covered in sores, and really nervous around people. 

As soon as they read his sad story, Blake and Jayne decided he was going to be their dog and get the life he deserved.

Transporting Mango to the States wasn't easy (or cheap.) And when Mango finally arrived, the new pooch parents realised he required lots of work and tonnes of patience.

"It was really stressful going from being a street dog to a domestic pet," said Jayne. "He didn't know what love was. He basically didn't know anything."

But after eight months of love and professional dog training, Mango started to blossom. And he's never looked back since.

Mango's best life

Mango still enjoys nap time on the comfy sofa - he always will. But he's also living his dog life to the fullest. He loves people, sprinting around the dog park, and playing chase.

He's also turned into a real velcro dog.

"He never leaves our side," said Jayne. "When I look down, there he is. Neither me nor my husband would have it any other way."

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