
Puppy and old lady in garden

Puppy sees elderly owner feeling tired and does the most adorable thing

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

Published on the

A video of a puppy pushing a stool toward his elderly owner so she can sit down and rest has racked up nearly 8 million views on social media.

DOGS ARE THE BEST. Its just a fact. It's also the name of the latest (and perhaps greatest) dog video to go viral on social media. 

The short clip, posted by Twitter user Buitengebieden, starts with an elderly lady tending to her garden. A puppy watches on, keeping a close eye on grandma.

Lending a helping paw

He's so tiny but has decided it's his job to keep grandma safe. So when he sees that granny needs to sit down and rest for a few minutes, the furry helper starts nudging a nearby stool in her direction.

He waits for granny to sit and get comfy, then jumps up for some well-deserved strokes and snuggles.

What a good little boy! This adorable moment shows just how much love dogs have for their favourite people. 

In addition to millions of views (8.9 million at the last count), the video generated tonnes of likes, shares, and comments from dog lovers worldwide. 

"So, so sweet," posted one viewer. "This is the kind of energy we all need. The world would be so much better if we humans acted like this toward each other."

The video is super (super) cute. There's no doubt about that. But it also provides a fascinating insight into how dogs can 'think.'

Canine mind readers

The puppy clearly understands what his human is experiencing. He knows what she is 'feeling' (e.g., tired) and her intention (to sit down and take a rest).

Scientists call this theory of mind. It describes the ability to attribute different mental states/intentions to others. The theory of mind is regarded as one of the foundational elements for social interaction.

And the canine theory of mind might be far more sophisticated than first thought. A 2021 study published in Scientific Reports suggests that dogs can figure out whether we're doing something intentionally or accidentally.

So yeah, dogs really can read our minds!

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