

There really are 6 cats in this photo!

© eryqmartinez - Reddit

Can you find all six cats in this picture? Most people can't!

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

Believe it or not, there are six cats sitting in this photo. How long will it take you to spot them all?

We love a picture puzzle to test our eyes and our brains, especially when the photos we are looking at include our feline friends. But this one might leave you stumped.

Transform your pet into a work of art!
Give it a try!

How many cats?

Take a good, long, hard look at this photo. How many cats can you see?

Related video:

When we look at an image, we often take what we see at face value without thinking about it too deeply, like this photo of cats. At first, you’ll likely spot the four adorable cats grouped together. But then, on the left of the photo, your eyes might be drawn to a fourth cat, a little tabby kitten, hiding in the corner.

So that’s five cats altogether. But what if we told you that there are actually six felines in this photo? Take another look and see if you can find one more.

Clue and solution

Do you still count only five cats? What if we told you that the sixth cat is black? Does that help?

Don’t worry. If you’re still stumped, we won’t leave you guessing any longer. 

solution to the visual test with six cats

Here's the cat in the red circle ©eryqmartinez - Reddit

The sixth cat is on the right of the photo, blending into the shadow next to the four cats.

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