
Man catching falling dog
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Quick thinking man prevents tragedy after spotting something falling to ground

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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What could have happened if this man hadn't suddenly looked up when he did and acted so quickly doesn't bear thinking about.

John Alexander Palomino Bendives was standing on the street with his girlfriend outside his home with no idea that his quick thinking would save the life of someone very precious to him in a matter of moments.

Sudden reunion

Bendives had just returned home after working away for two weeks and was looking forward to relaxing and catching up with his family and four beloved dogs.

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But he hadn't even entered the apartment building before unexpectedly reuniting with one of his dogs.

While standing outside, his dogs above him were peering over the railing from his fourth-story rooftop apartment, excited to welcome him home. 

As Bendives was talking to his girlfriend, something made him look up, and to his shock, he saw one of his dogs hurtling towards him.

Falling pup

Little Mina had been so excited to see her owner outside on the ground below that she had either misjudged the distance and tried to jump or lost her balance, slipped, and began falling to the street below.

Fortunately, Bendives didn't hesitate and immediately raised his arms to catch the falling pup. It's unlikely that the dog would have survived the fall if he hadn't caught her.

But the good news is that Mina wasn't harmed by her fall and was just happy to be safe in Bendives' arms and couldn't stop wagging her tail with relief.

Here's the shocking clip:

Let's hope the dogs take more care next time.

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