Goran Marinkovic lives in Serbia. Unfortunately, the country is filled with stray dogs and cats, which is heartbreaking for Goran, who’s a true animal lover.
But one day, he met a pup that he just couldn’t leave alone to fend for himself.
Shelter in a shoe
The tiny puppy was much too young to be on his own, and his mother was nowhere to be found. He was clearly hungry, scared, and cold. In fact, he had been using an old shoe for shelter.
A new start
Goran picked up the tiny pup and brought him to a nearby vet clinic. Goran decided to hold on to the puppy, who he named Coco, until he could find her a forever family.
Today, Coco is a cheerful, adventurous, and loving dog who’s living her best life with a family in Germany. It was a very lucky day when Goran found her on the street! Happy trails, Coco!