
Toddler crawling in room

Cat sees baby and prevents bad mischief! (Video)

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the Updated on the

The baby in the red romper is happily crawling through the room. But suddenly the cat jumps off the sofa and bounces on the toddler. The reason makes us hold our breath.

Do cats have a seventh sense? A video filmed in Bogota suggests exactly that. 

The camera is filming a room with a toddler crawling around and exploring the area. First the boy is with the cat, who is comfortably lying on the sofa. Then suddenly he crawls towards the lower edge of the picture. That’s when the cat runs towards the toddler and jumps on him, but why?

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A hero cat!

Shortly before the little kid reaches the edge the cat jumps off the sofa with a giant leap and begins to fight violently with the boy. In a moment it even looks as if she's pushing the little child with all her might. She can only calm down when the toddler is heading back towards the center of the room.

When the mother sees the film, she is beside herself with joy! Because the courageous cat saved the life of her son with his deed. What the camera didn't catch: Behind the edge of the picture there was a steep staircase with 13 steps.

Heldenhafte Katze
This cat is a heroine © DLoré Alvarez
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