
Can you spot the dog?

Can you spot the dog?

© Dogbuddy

Can you find the camouflaged cocker spaniel in this beer optical illusion?

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

There’s a hidden dog in this optical illusion – but it’s not easy to spot. Can you locate the cocker spaniel in under 17 seconds?

Optical illusions are captivating and have a dedicated following. They provide a fascinating way to explore how our brains process information. In fact, scientists often use illusions to study brain function. Research suggests that solving these tricky images can improve your attention and observation skills.

This fun test is designed to challenge your observation skills, so get ready to put your eyes to the test!

Transform your pet into a work of art!
Give it a try!

Can you find the Cocker Spaniel?

Take a close look at the picture filled with frothy beer mugs. Among them, there’s a camouflaged Cocker Spaniel, cleverly blending into the scene. Can you find it?

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Here’s a hint: the dog isn’t on the left side of the picture. Focus on the centre of the image where the glasses are clustered.

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Where's the cute little dog's face? © Dogbuddy

Helpful hint!

Struggling? Here’s another clue: the cocker spaniel is hidden between two large beer glasses. It’s a test of your keen eye and sharp attention!

Time’s up!

Did you spot the dog? If not, check below to see where it’s hiding. 

Here he is! © Dogbuddy

How did you get on? Test your friends and family to see who has the sharpest observational skills!

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