
sad looking husky dog
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Husky falls ill after eating something at park: X-ray reveals shocking truth

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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All good dog owners keep a close watch on their pets at all times. But despite our best efforts, sometimes, they still manage to get into trouble.

Mrs Paulina was walking her Husky in the park. Suddenly, Lilu, the dog, dashed to a spot in the grass and started eating something. 

From a distance, Mrs Paulina couldn’t tell what it was. Since Lilu wouldn’t stop eating, Mrs Paulina rushed over to her dog to stop her.

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An evil dog trap

But what she saw as she got closer left her horrified. Right there in the grass was a piece of meat filled with nails. Knowing her dog had probably already ingested some, she rushed her to the vet.

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With an x-ray, the vet confirmed what Mrs Paulina had feared. Lilu had ingested four nails, three of which had lodged themselves in the stomach and one which had already made its way to the intestines.

Warning to pet owners

Lilu had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the nails to ensure they wouldn’t be a threat to her life. Thankfully, the surgery went well and Lilu is now recovering. Mrs Paulina has reported the case to the police and urges pet owners to keep a close eye on their dogs.

Sadly, this is not an isolated case. Dozens of dogs are injured or poisoned every year by people leaving these sorts of traps in parks – or worse even – in dog owners’ gardens. The only way to protect your pet is to ensure they don’t eat anything they shouldn’t. Teaching your dog to “leave it” is very important!

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