
A white van driving away from camera
© Unsplash - Eva Blue

Man photographs unusual-looking dog, leading to a serious misunderstanding

By Natasha James Content Writer

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When this man spotted a particularly striking dog, he pulled over and took a picture, but he got more than he bargained for when his image appeared all over social media.

Brian Bainbridge is a plasterer who often drives from one job to another. Last week, he spotted a Jack Russell so chunky that he had to take a snap.

But little did he realise that his actions would be dramatically misperceived.

Dangerous dog thief?

Because Kyle Bridon, the owner of the dog in question, spotted the man taking photos and incorrectly believed him to be a potential dog thief.

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We all know that dog thefts are at an all-time high, and Kyle felt it was his civic duty to take a photo of the van and post it on social media to warn other dog owners that a potential thief may be operating in the area.

A speedy response

But Mr Bainbridge’s son, Jack, saw the posts and quickly replied. He posted a caustic response to Facebook that said,

“He took the photo cos he couldn't get over how fat the dog was…He's a plasterer not a dog pincher and if he was to go pinch a dog it wouldn't be that fat lump.”

The son’s post has since gone viral, with other users commenting that someone would need a crane to lift the poor pup.

We’re glad the issue has been resolved and hope the pup is being taken for extra walks now he’s famous! 

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