
Man, baby and cat
© dontstopmeowing / TikTok

Cat disrupts reading time: baby's reaction is simply delightful

By ZoĂŤ Monk Content Writer

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Baby Taj has had enough! When the cat squeezes between him and his dad, the little lad shows who sets the real priorities – and goes viral.

Life for Fifi and Kareem from the US has changed dramatically since the birth of their son, Taj. However, the newest family member faces some tough competition. Taj regularly has to assert himself against the attention of the fluffy feline housemates.

The latest proof is a viral hit showing how much Taj enjoys his time with Dad Kareem until cat Chase interferes. Then, it all becomes a challenge for the laughter muscles and capture hearts.

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Challenging story time

The scene begins idyllically. Baby Taj sits comfortably with Dad in the armchair, looking at a picture book. Suddenly, Chase, the cat, appears and sneaks into the scene with his velvety-pawed elegance. Kareem, a long-time cat lover, promptly reacts and kindly invites Chase onto the chair.

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Taj's reaction? A look straight into his Mum's camera, which is filming the whole spectacle. And this look speaks volumes: "You can't be serious, Dad!"

It doesn't take long for Taj to show he's had enough. He glumly watches as Kareem gives the cat an affectionate kiss on the head. When the father later gives Taj a kiss too, it seems to be only a half-hearted attempt to apologise.

Taj’s reaction is clear: the little boy is irritated; he closes the picture book and... leaves! The reading session is abruptly ended – and little Taj has made it clear that he doesn’t want to share his dad's attention right now.

Sibling rivalry

The clip showing the jealous scene is causing a stir online. Over 3.6 million people have seen the video on Instagram alone, with over 500,000 views on TikTok.

"Taj doesn't like sharing attention with his older brother Chase," the parents explained in an interview with Newsweek. "But that's exactly what makes the dynamic so funny!"

However, the relationship between Taj and Chase isn't quite as dramatic as the clip suggests. "They have such a strong bond with each other, especially Chase, who likes to protect Taj," Fifi and Kareem emphasise.

"But they're both a bit jealous of each other from time to time." Perhaps this is the beginning of a special friendship – with a few entertaining squabbles along the way.

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