
ally the black greyhound

Essex: Abandoned after the birth of a baby, this dog's heart is totally broken

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Poor Ally just wants one thing: to find the warmth and comfort of a home after she was abandoned without a second thought.

Ally is one of thousands of dogs abandoned every year. Several months ago, her family decided to abandon her and her brothers following the birth of a baby at home.

Managing the dogs had become too complex, and the Greyhounds were taking up too much space in the household. They were all abandoned.

A broken dog

Eight-year-old Ally particularly struggled with being abandoned. She had been with her family for three years and thought she was loved through thick and thin. But the arrival of this baby turned everything upside down for her.

Since her arrival at the rescue, she has been totally ‘broken’, and is visibly sad and stressed.

Hope for a new beginning

Taken into care at Clarks Farm Rescue Centre, in Essex, Ally is still waiting for her new family. Rescue staff worry that she'll struggle to find a home as she is already a senior, and black dogs are often overlooked by adopters.

Let's hope that this visibility from the rescue and the media will enable Ally to step into the spotlight and finally find the home of her dreams.

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