
Senior labrador

Senior dog given a month lives another 12 after crossing off her bucket list

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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In 2022, Annie, a 19-year-old Labrador, was handed over to a Texas shelter by a family, leaving behind the only home she had ever known.

But the Labrador's life positively changed thanks to Stephanie Rodriguez and Duke Hemstreet from The PAWerful Rescue, who were determined that her last days would be the best they could be.

Bucket list

After rescuing Annie, they took her for a burger stop before placing her in the care of Lauren Siler, a volunteer who specialises in senior hospice dogs. Lauren was told Annie might have only a month left, so she focused on making her final days as comfortable and loving as possible.

To everyone’s surprise, Annie thrived in her new environment. She soon showed a renewed zest for life, playfully selecting toys from a box and enjoying daily walks. Recognising her newfound energy, Lauren created a bucket list for Annie. The first item was a grand 20th birthday celebration, followed by a joyful Christmas with new toys and a Valentine’s Day filled with cards from around the globe.

Happy pup

Annie continued to enjoy life with mini road trips, bonding with Lauren’s baby niece, playfully interacting with cats, and exploring the garden. By the time her first anniversary of rescue approached, Annie had fulfilled her bucket list and touched countless lives through social media.

On June 24th, Annie celebrated with her loved ones at a party, but that night, her health declined. Lauren, who had recently decided to adopt Annie, rushed her to the vet, where she had to make a heartbreaking decision and Annie sadly passed away.

RIP Annie.

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