
Terminally ill dog and playing with child

Unwanted puppy given only 6 months to live finds a loving home

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Cette petite association a l'habitude d'accueillir des chiens temporairement, mais pour celui-ci, tout a changé.

A terminally ill puppy named DeVito has found a loving home against the odds and despite a grim prognosis.

DeVito was brought to Forgotten Now Family Rescue in Charlotte, North Carolina, by a breeder who noticed the pup's severe health issues, including a weak heart and discoloured tongue.

Heartbreaking diagnosis

The rescue's owner, Chrissy Elder, immediately recognised that DeVito’s symptoms were cardiac-related. Despite her hopes for an operable condition, veterinarians diagnosed DeVito with severe Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis and multiple heart defects, leaving him with just six months to live.

Determined to give DeVito the best possible life, Chrissy spent a staggering $3,500 on medication to stabilise his condition. Thankfully, DeVito responded well to the treatment and quickly bonded with Chrissy's son, Bo, although Chrissy remains acutely aware of his limited time.

Precious time

Chrissy's personal experience with heart issues has fueled her commitment to ensuring DeVito's remaining months are filled with love and care. She is focused on giving him the family life he deserves.

Chrissy shared a bittersweet video of Devito playing with Bo, with the pup seemingly unaware that his life will be cut tragically short:

Despite the heartache, Chrissy remains dedicated to rescuing and caring for dogs like DeVito, confirming her mission to love and save as many dogs as possible, even those with emotional challenges.

We are so glad that DeVito and Chrissy found each other!

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