
Sad looking dog tied to a park bench
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Senior dog found tied to park bench with heartbreaking note around her neck

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A passerby notices a senior dog by a park bench in an alarming state, but when they read a note from her owner, their heart breaks.

The note read, “Please take me and love me.”

Health concerns

Kim Astringer from the Tiny Paws Rescue was alerted to the dog’s plight and offered to take her in.

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Sheba was found to have some matted fur, bald patches, and severe dental disease. She also has an underactive thyroid.

To add to Sheba’s woes it was also discovered that she was deaf and her vision was very poor. But this didn’t seem to stop her from being able to find her way around the shelter.

Before the shelter can prepare Sheba for adoption, they want to help her adjust to her new life, away from what she knew before. The poor pup was terrified and understandably very confused when she first arrived at the shelter. She huddled into the corner of the room, shaking and with her head down.

Hope for Sheba

Fortunately, Sheba has begun to adjust to her new life since being with a foster family and enjoys going on walks and relaxing in her cosy dog bed. As a friendly, sociable dog who gets on with humans and other canines, Kim hopes she’ll eventually be adopted. 

Kim took to TikTok to share Sheba’s story and how the shelter are helping her get back on her paws. She hopes it will highlight the work of rescue organisations and why people’s support is so important. 

Kim hopes that the person who left Sheba in the park knows that she is now safe and being well cared for and can have peace of mind that everything is being done to find her a loving home.

Good luck Sheba!

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