
Brown dog being held at the vets

After 11 years in a shelter, dog travels 1,500 kilometres to join a sanctuary

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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After 11 long years behind bars, senior girl Fiona has started a new life, surrounded by the love and company she always wanted. 

Fergie, who has now been renamed Fiona, is a chocolate colour mixed breed girl of around 13-years-old. 

She was found wandering the streets as a stray at around 2-years-old, when she was taken into an overcrowded shelter in Alabama. 

Then, in a heartwarming twist of fate, her chance at happiness presented itself unexpectedly. 

1,500 kilometres to happiness

After travelling 1,500 kilometres, from Alabama to Wisconsin, Fiona reached her new life. This was all thanks to the sanctuary project for senior dogs called Albert's Dog Lounge, which looks to find loving foster homes for dogs to see out their remaining years. 

Having been overlooked for so long due to her shy nature and her size, Fiona now has a real chance at happiness. 

A loving home

Since her arrival with foster mum Lindsay, Fiona has started to come out of her shell, quickly learning how fun life can really be. And it turns out, the golden oldie knows exactly what she wants and when she wants it. 

"She has a little grumble she makes when she wants me to do something", writes Lindsay. "Fiona also likes to admire herself in the bedroom mirror". 

This sweet girl will now spend her days in the company of her foster friends, with comfy blankets, tasty treats, and all the head scratches she could ask for. 

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