
Blind American Bully Denny

Family asks to euthanise dog because they're moving: Vet has the best reaction

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

Published on the

A dog should be a lifetime commitment, but sadly some people just don't see it this way. When Denny's family moved house, they tried to have him euthanised. 

Denny is an adorable American Bully, who lived happily with his family for 3 years. Though an accident left him blind, he had a long, healthy life ahead of him.

Heartbreakingly, Denny's family were not as devoted to him as he was to them. With a house move on the horizon, they asked for their four-legged friend to be euthanised. 

A shocking request

The vet was shocked by the family's request, and had no intention of going ahead with the procedure. 

It was absolutely unthinkable that Denny's life would end because this was the most convenient option for his owners. She immediately contacted Carolina pet rescue Forgotten, Now Family.

The founder of the organisation Chrissy Elder stepped in immediately, taking Denny into her home on foster. 

Love at first sight 

What started out as an emergency foster quickly took on a whole new meaning for Chrissy, who fell head over heels for her new companion. 

Denny was the sweetest boy, and still trusted humans after all he had been through. 

It quickly became apparent that Denny had found his forever home with Chrissy, surrounded by the love and cuddles he deserves. 

"There's a need for more people like you, and the veterinarian who refused to euthanise him in this world", commented a supporter on TikTok. "So happy to see everything turned out so well for him. He's adorable!". 

@chrissyfnf Its been One week since they brought denny to the vet to be euthanized because they were moving… instead he came home with me. he has no eyes so being blind in a new place is hard but hes doing really well so far and hes so thnakful. Denny you are loved bubs. #fosteringsaveslives #rescue #househippo #myguy #ohana #blinddog #newlife #americanbully ♬ Get You The Moon - City Sessions
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