
Ginger long haired cat on woman's lap
© Sarah Graham Art/ Facebook

Special cat visits hospital every day for 10 years to comfort patients in need

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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A cat has made the local hospital his second home, in a heartwarming turn of events that has spanned the last ten years. 

Long-haired ginger cat Henry has made quite the name for himself at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.

The friendly feline always seems to know when people are in need of some extra support, distracting them with his loving presence when they are having a hard time. 

A little earth angel

Henry has become famous with hospital staff and patients, visiting every day for a decade. 

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He wasn't trained to sit with humans at the hospital, but he excels at what he does. 

"He was absolutely adorable having cuddles with my sister and mum", writes Sarah on Facebook. "Henry distracted and comforted us at a time when we really needed it, he's a little earth angel". 

Amber O' Gorman, who was recently treated at the hospital for a tumour, also enjoyed some cuddles with Henry. "He seems to suck up all the negativity and replace it with positivity", she recently told the BBC.

Thousands of fans

Henry has captured the hearts of thousands of people who have passed through the hospital in recent years, even earning himself a private members group on Facebook. 

People have to agree not to feed the clever cat, and to acknowledge that he does have loving owners. 

While he may not be encouraged with tasty treats, Henry is showing no signs of slowing down his visits to Addenbrooke's. They seem to fill him with as much joy as the patients he encounters. 

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