
Black cat drinking water
© Stormimartini/ TikTok

Owner comes up with ingenious trick to get her cats to drink more water (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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Owners everywhere will appreciate how picky cats can be when it comes to drinking water. This clever trick has left the internet in stitches. 

When the user of TikTok account @stormimartini posted a video showing how she got her cats to drink water, she had no idea it would receive support from people around the world. 

What's mine is yours

Growing tired of encouraging her cats to drink their water, this clever cat mum decided to take matters into her own hands. 

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She created an experiment, based on what she had seen her cats doing at home. 

The trick was easy to execute, as it simply involved leaving glasses of water around the house. Sure enough, the cats showed far more interest in each glass than they did their own bowls. Knowing it wasn't theirs, just made them more curious, and they soon started drinking! 

A new way of life

While it may not be conventional, this system seems to work for many felines and their humans.

"Because if they think it's my water, they automatically want it", writes their owner. And it seems plenty of people have shared in her experience. 

"My cat would only drink out of a mug on my bedside table", explained one viewer, while another commented "I used to pretend to drink from my cat's bowl, and then when I placed it down, she would drink so fast". 

What started out as a quick experiment has now turned in to normal life for the @stormimartini household, with glasses of water left out for the cats on a daily basis. 

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