
Piece of cut sausage with three pins poking out

A dog owner found something potentially deadly to his dog on the street.

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“Humanity is rotten”: Deadly discovery on the street sparks fury

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A dog’s lucky escape from a potentially lethal snack has sparked outrage among dog owners and highlighted the dangers lurking on the streets. 

Fernando Fernández, the vigilant owner, was able to avert disaster when he intercepted a seemingly harmless sausage his pup was about to devour.

Horrific discovery found on street

As Fernando Fernández strolled with his loyal companion along the streets of León, Spain, a seemingly innocent sausage attracted the dog’s attention. 

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The man knew all too well that sausage was one of the dog’s favourite treats, so he wasn’t surprised that she was keen to wolf it down. But the owner sensed that something was not quite right.

Little did Fernando know that his uncertainty would save his dog’s life. As the dog was about to swallow the sausage, Fernando quickly opened his dog’s mouth and removed the sausage.

But something pricked his fingers as he removed the sausage from his dog’s mouth. Fernando was horrified to discover three tiny pins were embedded in the carefully cut sausage, clearly put there to harm an unsuspecting animal.

Outrage among dog owners

He took to social media to share his discovery and warn other dog owners to be extra vigilant. The post sparked outrage among dog lovers in León, calling such actions “a disgrace to humanity”.

Sadly, this isn’t the only case of objects being put inside sausages and left for dogs to find. There have been reports of needles and even screws found inside meat treats which can cause serious injuries and even death.

If you suspect your dog may have eaten something that could be harmful, get them seen by your vet immediately. 

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