
Stray dog

Photographer approaches desert island on a kayak and makes a shocking discovery

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Photographer Wesley White's routine work trip to Belize became a life-altering adventure when he rented a kayak to explore a remote island.

Little did he know that this decision would lead to both a shocking and heartwarming discovery that would change his life. 

Shocking discovery 

As he paddled along the coast, he spotted a fishing shack on a seemingly deserted island and noticed movement nearby. To his astonishment, he found an emaciated dog desperately needing help. 

Despite being on a tight schedule with only 36 hours left in Belize, Wesley couldn't leave the stranded dog behind. He improvised, using his swimming trunks as an impromptu dog carrier and rushed back to his hotel. Determined to save the puppy, now named Winston, Wesley faced a serious time crunch. Fortunately, upon returning to the hotel, a compassionate community rallied around him. 

They gathered dog food, and the bartender enlisted friends to locate a vet. 

Road to recovery 

With the clock ticking, Wesley brought Winston to the mainland for a brief vet visit. Despite the short timeframe, the vet assured Wesley that Winston would recover but needed a foster home. A foster caregiver named Melanie stepped in through the Humane Society of Belize. She diligently updated Wesley on Winston's progress for two months, showcasing the pup's transformation from a frail state to a strong and healthy dog. 

But while Winston was in good hands, it was only temporary, and Wesley was determined to be the one to give him a permanent home. After weeks of separation, Wesley returned to Belize to be reunited with his new canine companion and take him home, where he can start living his best life.

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