
Golden retriever looking out of car window
© jules.meetsworld - TikTok

Owner leaves dog alone in car, seconds later, everyone is blown away (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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An endearing video shared on TikTok reveals what happened when a dog owner leaves her Golden Retriever alone in the car.

The adorable pup named Juliet is left alone in the car while the owner heads to the shops. But little does Juliet know that her owner hasn't gone far and is filming her every move.

Desperate search

Not long after her owner has left the car, Juliet is leaning out of the car window on her back legs, desperately searching for her owner in a bustling crowd. Her head swivels from left to right, scanning for her beloved human, who is secretly capturing her reaction on film. 

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After a brief but suspenseful search, Juliet's eyes light up with unbridled joy as she finally spots her owner. It's a wholesome moment that unmistakably reveals Juliet's recognition of her owner's face.

The clip highlights the fascinating scientific debate on whether dogs can recognise human faces. A 2015 study suggested that dogs can perceive faces, much like humans and primates, with this ability being innate rather than learned through associations like food rewards. 

Special bond

Here's the adorable clip of Juliet searching for her owner:

For Juliet and her owner, this recognition marks a special bond. They came into each other's lives when Juliet's owner was grieving after losing her previous dog, Romeo. Juliet's owner hadn't planned to get another puppy but serendipitously found Juliet. Their connection has been a source of healing and happiness. 

They've since embarked on many adventures together, from beach outings to car rides for ice cream. 

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