
Senior dog in shelter
© bigdogranchrescuefl - TikTok

20-year-old dog’s world turned upside down after owners surrender him to shelter

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A shelter has shared heartbreaking footage of a 20-year-old dog surrendered to an animal shelter after spending his entire life with his owner. 

The rescue shelter shared a video on TikTok expressing its disbelief at the abandonment of Drax, a loyal dog in his twilight years. 

Older dogs like Dax face difficulties finding new homes and can spend up to four times longer in shelters than younger dogs. 

Abandoned at age 20

The shelter posted:

Related video:
“It is unfathomable to think about a loving, loyal 20-year-old senior dog, at the end of his life span, given up and left confused and heartbroken.”

This shelter, the largest no-kill shelter in the US, intervened to save Dax, fearing he wouldn’t survive in a typical shelter environment. 

The rescue believes that despite his age, Dax has plenty of life and love left in him. They are committed to finding him the best home and covering all his medical expenses. 

Happy ending

With more than 55,000 views, the video of Dax’s story attracted a lot of attention, sparking outrage among dog lovers. While one person commented,

“I don’t understand how someone could get rid of their dog!! Especially that age!!”

Meanwhile, many people came forward to offer him a forever home.

After spending time with a foster family, Dax was adopted by a new family where he will live with other dog siblings. The shelter hopes Dax’s story serves as a reminder of the rewards of adopting older dogs, who often have calm and loving personalities. Also, dog owners are responsible for caring for their pets’ physical and emotional needs.

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