The giant feline, which rescue workers named Big Bertha, arrived at an RSPCA shelter after being dumped in a sports bag near Calthorpe Park, Birmingham. The shelter staff couldn't believe their eyes when they saw this jumbo-sized kitty.
Big Bertha tipped the scale at nearly 12kg; that's three times heavier than the average UK housecat. Not good.
A fat cat is not a happy cat
All that excess weight meant Big Bertha had an increased risk of developing severe health problems. Plus, it prevented Bertha from living her very best cat life. The poor thing couldn't chase, climb, or play. She couldn't even clean herself. And what kind of life is that for a cat?
Foster carer Emma Cureton took Big Bertha in and is supervising a strict diet and exercise regime, which includes weekly weigh-ins and regular vet appointments.
Since then, Big Bertha has lost almost a third of her body weight. Big Bertha still has some flab to fight, but her foster mum is confident she'll hit an ideal weight within the next few months.
"We don't know how she got so large as she is only a young cat," says Emma. "We think maybe someone had been constantly feeding her. But the weight has gradually come off. She's got a way to go, but she'll get there and will soon be ready to find a new home."
Since shedding the weight, Bertha has transformed into a happy, friendly, affectionate, and energetic cat. Emma is confident she'll make someone a great companion in the near future.
Not-so Big Bertha?
The only problem is, what will the new owners call her? Slim Bertha? Not-so-big Bertha? The Cat Formerly Known as Big Bertha? We'll have to wait and see.
The RSPCA hopes Big Bertha's story reminds people that being overweight is really bad for pets. It can led to joint problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, problems with the liver, and depression.