
Abandoned blind dog
© patitasencasa - Instagram

Woman caught on CCTV walking dog before doing something unbelievable (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

A video showing the appalling treatment of an elderly blind dog by its owner has gone viral, leaving everyone fuming.

The video went viral after an animal welfare organisation shared it on Instagram. It shows a woman walking down the street with an elderly dog. 

Shocking video 

You see the woman looking around her, stop, and walk back the way she came. She then picks the dog up, walks forward then dumps the dog over the fence into the garden of a neighbouring house. And with that, the woman walks away. The poor dog just sat where he was dumped. Too old and tired to try to follow the woman or bark.

Related video:

When the dog was discovered, a note said his name was Adriano, and he was 14 years old. While the note didn’t explain why he was abandoned so callously, it explained that he had been blind for three years and hadn’t been neutered. It also said that the dog was well-behaved, didn’t bite, didn’t like homemade food, and didn’t know how to eat bones.

Happy ever after?

Adriano was taken to a local shelter, where it was found that he had untreated inflammation in the middle layer of his eyes, which is likely what caused some of his sight loss. There’s a slim chance that with treatment, Adriano may be able to recover a little of his vision. 

Here's the shocking video of Adriano's abandonment:

And the good news is that there’s a happy ending to Adriano’s sad story. After news of his abandonment spread, the shelter was inundated with requests to adopt him. They soon found a loving family who would give the handsome dog all the love and care he deserved. 

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