
Man and dog walking along beach
© Le Chasseur Français - Facebook

Owner takes leisurely beach stroll with dog until a horrific event unfolds

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

Published on the

A man and his dog enjoying a morning stroll along the beach had a close call after a giant wave nearly swept the pair away.

A short clip posted on Facebook starts with the pair walking along the sand on a beach in Brittany, France. The sun is shining, and the sky is blue, perfect weather for a bracing beach walk!

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Waves, incoming

But then the waves start rolling in, and they start rolling in fast. Within seconds, the man and dog are knee-deep in water. They need to get off this beach right now.

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The man spots a set of wooden stairs leading up from the beach and starts pulling his pooch toward them. But seconds later, a giant wave hits, sweeping man and dog off their feet.

The wave breaks against the rocks, and the pair disappear under the water for a few seconds. They must have felt absolutely terrified.

The man and his dog are thrown around as the giant wave pulls back. Spinning around like ragdolls in a washing machine, they look completely helpless.

Thankfully, the water settles for a few seconds, giving the owner and his pet enough time to escape. The pair looks shaken as they climb the stairs but appear to have sustained no injuries.

Safety first

"What horror!!" posted one viewer. "I'm so glad they made it. But I have to say, it was really irresponsible to go beach walking in those conditions."

We think they may have a point. Safety first, people. These are the dogs we're talking about here! Is there anything more precious?

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