
Little dog chasing big dog
© tito.and.odin - Instagram

Little Chihuahua chases large dog, but instantly wishes it hadn't

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A tiny Chihuahua bit off more than he could chew when a game of chase with a much bigger dog took a sudden and unexpected turn.

Tito and Odin are the definition of an odd couple. Tito is a tiny Chihuahua, and Odin is a giant St Bernard. Odin must be twenty times bigger than Tito, at least.

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But their (massive) difference in size hasn't stopped this little and large duo from becoming best buddies. Friendship and love have no barriers or limits when dogs are involved.

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Odin and Tito love doing everything that best friends do together. They hang out, eat together,  and curl up next to each other for afternoon naps. Adorable.

But their favourite thing is playing. Odin is always super gentle with tiny Tito. But Chihuahuas are well-known to suffer from small dog syndrome, and they often try to boss bigger dogs around. And so, like every big brother, sometimes Odin has to put the little squirt back in his place. 

And that's exactly what happened during their most recent game of chase. Caught on camera by the pair's dog mum, the game starts with Tito chasing Odin around a garden.

He's putting everything into the chase, yapping away in that 'special' way only a Chihuahua can. He looks very pleased with himself as if he thinks Odin is actually scared of getting caught.

Tito should pick on someone his own (tiny) size

Odin decides Tito is getting too big for his little paws, so he switches up and starts chasing after Tito instead. And that's when we realise that Tito's bark (or yap) is much bigger than his bite. 

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Tiny Tito powers away as fast as he can, and his yaps now sound like squeals of mercy. "Stop," he seems to be screaming. "I was only messing around. You're the big dog."

Odin was never going to hurt his tiny bro. He was just reminding Tito of who's really in charge. A big brother has to do what a big brother has to do! Tito will learn, eventually. Then again, he is a Chihuahua. So maybe not.

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