ginger and white cat in the foreground, standing on the chair and staring straight at the camera.
In this photo of a garden, there are two cats. There are no prizes for spotting the adorableBut can you spot its feline friend?
Spot the cat
There's nothing better than a photo challenge to test your eyes and your brain, especially when it involves cats! But while the cat in the foreground is easy to spot, another cat is hiding somewhere in the background. Can you spot it in under 5 seconds?
There's one rule, though. You are not allowed to zoom in on the photo.
Hiding in plain sight
Have you found it yet?
Don't worry; here's a clue.
The second cat is among the foliage, a little to the right of the cat in the foreground.
Got it? If you haven't yet, check out the video above to get the answer!
Now that you've found the hidden cat, why not test your friends and family to see who can find the second cat the quickest?