
A dog with a heavy duty dog lead in its mouth

A lead will keep your dog safe and make your life a lot easier as an owner.

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Best dog leads: From flexible to heavy duty dog leads

By Joseph Chance Content Writer

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A quality dog leash must be high on the priority list of any dog owner as it’s vital for controlling your pet for their safety.  If you are looking for ideas, check out our buying guide and follow our tips for choosing the best dog lead.

What type of lead is best for a pulling dog? How do I choose the right lead for my pet? It's not always easy to find answers to these questions when you're about to welcome your dog. There are different types of dog leashes: some are suitable for walking or training, others are much longer and intended for walks in nature. The right leash ensures the safety of your pet and people and animals around you and is mandatory for some breeds of dogs.

Dog leads come in various materials and types: nylon, braided rope and leather leads can feature a 3-point harness, a chain or be retractable. To buy the best dog lead for your pet, you must consider their weight, body type and personality. To help you choose a suitable model, we have compared some of the best dog leads on the market.

What length should a dog lead be?

The optimal dog lead length is about 1.20 metres. It allows a dog to walk beside their owner without being pulled by the neck all the time. All the while, the owner can easily keep their pet under control.

If you live in a city and walk on pavements most of the time, opt for a 1-metre lead. This will keep the animal closer to you and prevent them from walking on the road where they could be run over. A 1-metre lead will also make it easier for you to pass people: if the lead is too long, it could take up the whole width of the pavement!

On the other hand, you can opt for a 1.80-metre lead when you go for a walk on country roads. This way, your pet will have more freedom to run around safely.

How do I choose a lead for my dog?

To choose the right leash for your pet, there are a few criteria to consider.

First of all, take into account their body shape. The lead should be wider for a large dog than for a small one, for example. A strong dog could break a lead that’s too small by pulling too hard on it.

You should also choose the leash based on the activity you want to do with your pet. If you plan to go for walks in the countryside, select a model that is at least 2 metres long. Training leashes usually measure between 1 and 1.2 metres.

If possible, opt for a nylon dog lead, which is more flexible than a chain and more robust than a leather leads.

If you have a dog that pulls, opt for a leash with a 3-point harness: this will make it easier for you to teach your pet to walk properly. Remember, if the leash is being pulled, you should stop and wait until your dog stops tugging on it.

How do I attach a dog lead?

To properly secure your dog's lead, you need to ensure that their harness or collar fits properly. Otherwise, it will be very uncomfortable for the animal when you pull on the lead. A too tight collar will not let your pet breathe normally, while a harness that is too loose could restrict their movements.

Before attaching the lead to the snap hook, make sure that you can fit two fingers between the animal’s skin and the collar or harness.

How do I put on a dog harness and lead?

To put on your dog's lead, have them sit down. Then stand behind your pet to prevent them from backing up. It will also make it easier to reach the buckle on the collar. Then snap the hook onto the D-ring of the harness or collar. Make sure that the clasp is secure and will not open during your walk.

If your dog is nervous and not yet used to the leash, talk to them softly and stroke them while putting the collar or the harness over your pet’s body. You should go at the animal’s pace and make sure not to frighten them further. Otherwise your dog could be traumatised by the lead. If you have adopted your pet from a shelter, they may have bad memories of their walks with the previous owners and seeing a lead may bring back painful memories. In this case, you need to make it clear that your pet is safe with you and that putting him on a lead usually means going for a fun walk!

Celebrate every minor victory by giving your dog a treat.

How do I use a 3-point dog lead?

The 3-point leash is suitable for dogs of all sizes and ages. It features two snap hooks and thus offers three different lengths, allowing the owner to teach the dog to walk freely and to heel.

You can give your pet more or less freedom, depending on the attachment point you use. For example, if you are walking in the countryside on the road with little traffic, you can choose the longest attachment point so that your dog can play to their heart's content far ahead of you. However, if you walk past cars or other dogs, shorten the leash length by changing the attachment point. This will help your pet understand that they should stay by your side in these situations.

Opting for a 3-point leash means you don't have to take several dog leads of different lengths on a walk.

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