
Frozen carrot treats

The perfect summer treat!

© Wamiz

Pet Chef Recipes: Frozen Carrot Treats

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Updated on the

During the summer months, it’s nice to be able to give your dog a frozen treat to help keep them cool. So if you’re looking for a healthy pupscicle recipe, look no further!

On today’s edition of Pet Chef, discover how to make delicious and refreshing frozen treats for your dog! These treats are perfect for summer time when your dog needs a little cooling down.

Elton, one of our beloved Happiness Officers at the Wamiz Headquarters, was our tester. As a big fan of carrots, he highly approved of this treat!

Frozen dog treats with pumpkin or carrots

Every ingredient in this recipe is safe for dogs to consume. However, you should always check with your veterinarian before introducing anything new to your dog’s diet!

Total preparation time: 15 minutes (excluding freezing time)

Dog tasty score: 4 out of 5

Human tasty score: 3 out of 5 (it tastes a bit like baby food!)

Wamiz tip: In the autumn, you could replace the carrots with a more seasonal vegetable, like pumpkins! You can either blend the flesh yourself, or you can buy pumpkin puree in a can.

Nutritionist’s advice: If you choose to use carrot puree or pumpkin puree instead of blending the ingredients yourself, make sure you read the labels of the puree cans carefully! Your puree should be plain and shouldn’t contain any added ingredients such as excess salt or sugar.

Carrot banana yogurt popsicles recipe

The following ingredients are safe and healthy for both you and your pet. But remember, treats can't replace a healthy, balanced diet!


  • 340 grams plain low-fat yogurt
  • 250 grams of carrot puree (can replace with pumpkin in autumn)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 banana


  1. Put your banana into a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the banana puree into a separate bowl.
  3. Put the carrots into a blender and blend until smooth.
  4. Add the carrot puree, yogurt, and the honey to the pureed banana. Stir until all the ingredients are well combined.
  5. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or molds of your choice.
  6. Place the trays in your freezer and leave them there until they are completely solid.

You can store these delicious treats in the freezer for up to 8 months without them losing any of their taste or consistency. This way, you can make a large batch and have a special treat ready for your pup at any time when the weather gets hot!

What did you think of this recipe? And more importantly, what did your dog think?

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Frequently asked questions

Can dogs eat carrots?

Can dogs eat pumpkins?

What other ice block treats can I make for my dog?

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