
Can dogs eat fig rolls: Man feeding biscuit to dog

Can dogs eat fig rolls?

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Can dogs eat fig rolls?

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

Fig rolls are a popular snack for many, but if you're a dog owner, you might wonder: can dogs eat fig rolls?

While figs on their own can be a healthy treat for dogs in moderation, fig rolls are a different story.

Let's explore why fig rolls aren't the best choice for your furry friend and how to safely offer figs if you're considering a fruity snack for them.

Do fig rolls contain figs?

Yes, fig rolls do contain figs! Known as fig newtons in the US, these treats are made with a filling of fig paste wrapped in pastry made from flour, sugar, and often spices. Although a tasty dessert for humans, fig rolls are packed with sugar and other additives that make them unsuitable for dogs. Ingredients like flour, creams, and milk can upset your dog's stomach, making this a snack for you, not your pet.

Are figs bad for dogs?

Fresh figs aren't bad for dogs when given in moderation. They provide fibre and nutrients like potassium and calcium, which support your dog's health. However, figs shouldn't be a regular part of your dog's diet due to their high sugar content. Avoid giving your dog parts of the fig plant, such as leaves or stems, as these can cause skin irritation or digestive problems. Dried figs and processed fig products, like fig rolls, are too sugary and contain other ingredients unsuitable for dogs.

Can dogs eat fresh figs?

Absolutely! Fresh figs can be a health benefits for your dog, but again, when given in moderation. They're a good source of fibre, which supports digestion, and they contain important minerals like potassium and calcium that help with bone health and muscle function. However, figs should be introduced gradually, removing the skin and seeds and ensuring the fruit is ripe and washed. Be cautious, as too much fruit can lead to digestive issues like diarrhoea or vomiting.

Should dogs eat fig rolls?

No, dogs should not eat fig rolls. While figs offer some nutritional benefits, fig rolls are processed foods high in sugar and other ingredients that aren't good for dogs. The sugar content can lead to weight gain, dental problems, and more serious issues like diabetes. Fig rolls also often contain ingredients like eggs, cream, and butter, which can upset your dog's stomach. It's best to avoid fig rolls and offer fresh fruit instead.

What about homemade or raw fig rolls?

Even homemade or raw fig rolls aren't safe for dogs. These recipes typically still include flour, butter, sugar, and sometimes eggs or creams. Raw dough can contain yeast, which is harmful to pets and can cause bloating and other serious digestive issues. So, while homemade fig rolls might seem a healthier option, they are still not suitable for your dog.

How many figs can dogs eat?

For fresh figs, portion control is key. Small dogs can have half a fig per week, medium-sized dogs one fig, and large dogs up to two figs. Since figs are high in natural sugars, they should only be given as an occasional treat. Ensure your dog's primary diet remains balanced with dog-friendly foods like meats, and always monitor them after introducing figs to ensure no digestive problems.

How can I safely feed figs to my dog?

Since fig biscuits are a no-go, focus on giving your dog fresh figs. Wash them thoroughly, remove stems and leaves (which can cause digestive problems), and serve in small portions based on your dog's size. For a fun treat, you can mash the figs and freeze them inside a toy like a Kong or mix them with a small amount of peanut butter (ensure it's xylitol-free). You could also bake dog-friendly biscuits using figs as a natural sweetener. Just keep the recipe simple and avoid unnecessary additives.

My dog ate dried figs. Should I be worried?

You should monitor your dog closely if they've eaten dried figs. Dried fruits, including figs, contain a higher sugar concentration than fresh ones, which can cause digestive upset, weight gain, or even pancreatitis. Watch for signs of food poisoning, such as vomiting, diarrhoea, or unusual lethargy, and contact your vet if you're concerned.

While fresh figs can be a healthy treat, fig rolls should be avoided. The sugar content and ingredients like cream and flour make fig biscuits unsuitable for your dog. If in doubt about introducing a new food into your dog's diet, consult your veterinarian to ensure your pet stays healthy and happy. Stick to fresh fruits in moderation and avoid processed snacks to keep your dog's diet balanced and safe.

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