
new year's resolutions: woman wearing party hat and holding pomeranian with confetti falling

What are your New Year's resolutions?

© UfaBizPhoto - Shutterstock

10 New Year's resolutions inspired by your pet

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

Our pets can teach us a lot about acceptance, love, and happiness! Here's what we can take from them into the new year.

Us pet parents learn so much from the wonderful pets we have in our lives. Not only do we get unconditional love and affection, they always manage to make us happy. And the best part is that they are great for our physical and mental health too. So why don’t we use some of the lessons we’ve learned from our four legged friends to write our New Year's resolutions for this year? Here are 10 New Year's resolution ideas inspired by our pets.

Drink more water

Border Collie drinking water
Take example on this gorgeous dog and drink more water ©Ann Tyurina - Shutterstock

It's not just about kicking bad habits, it's also about taking on new, good ones! Make sure you drink at least 2L of water everyday.

Look at things from a different perspective

Cat lying upside down
Look at things differently, just like this cat ©dezy - Shutterstock

Stuck on something? Why don’t you take inspiration from cats. A new year is the perfect opportunity to flip your head upside down and look at the problem from a different perspective.

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Love unconditionally

Kitten and Bichon dog cuddling
Spread the love ©Ilike - Shutterstock

If pets teach us one thing in life, it’s unconditional love! They are always so happy and excited when they see us, they shower us with cuddles and kisses, they cheer us up when we are feeling down. Why shouldn’t we take example on our beloved animals?

Stress less and do more fun stuff

Dog rolling over in grass
Have more fun! ©Rita_Kochmarjova - Shutterstock

Life's not just about work and responsibilities. It's too short not to have fun, and no-one knows this better than our dogs! Why don't you take example on them and start doing more things that make you happy? Make more time to play video games or learn a new skill. Just remember to keep cool and have more fun! 

Relax and have more naps

Kitten and puppy napping together
Ssssh don't wake them up... ©FamVeld - Shutterstock

Cats sleep between 16 to 20 hours a day and dogs sleep approximately between 12 to 14 hours a day. Pets definitely know how to show humans how to relax! Naps help us to get through the day, especially a power nap.

Go for walks

Dog holding leash in mouth
Someone is ready to go on a walk ©OlgaOvcharenko - Shutterstock

A study has proven that one of the biggest health benefits of owning a dog is an improvement of cardiovascular health. Walking isn’t just about losing weight, it's also about keeping your heart healthy! It's great for you, and it’s also great for your dog. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your dog’s lead, put your shoes on and go for a nice walk.

Smile more

corgi dog smiling
Keep smiling ©Chutima Chaochaiya - Shutterstock

We tend to smile more thanks to our pets. They just have a natural talent for making us laugh and entertaining us. Smiling has many health benefits such as low blood pressure, strong immune function and pain relief. People who smile a lot live a longer life!

Make new friends

Kittens and rabbits together
They look like they'll become best friends ©Rita_Kochmarjova - Shutterstock

Dogs love to make new friends. Your dog could become your wing woman or wing man and help you break the ice to make new friends.

Be more active

Dog jumping catching freezbee
Can you jump this high? ©Ann Tyurina - Shutterstock

Being active is good for your mind and your health. Your dog will love to come along with you and your cat will be happy to spend more time with you.

Don’t be shy and express who you truly are

Pug playing the guitar
Be yourself! ©Ezzolo - Shutterstock

Dogs and cats are quirky, goofy and don’t care the slightest about what others think of them. We should be more like them, don’t be afraid to express who you truly are!

Whether you have any specific goals in mind this year or not, we hope we have managed to inspire you for your New Year’s resolutions. We wish you all a Happy New Year and we hope all your dreams come true.

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