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How should you speak to your dog?

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Updated on the

Communicating well with your dog so that they understand you is very important, here is our advice to help you get along with your adult dog. 

As a dog owner, the key to good verbal communication and successful training is to remain  calm and be consistent. Everytime your furry friend does something good, praise him, tell him “Good boy!”, and use a happy tone of voice with high pitched notes. Also, using the right body language when speaking to your dog is crucial. If you pay attention to your dog, you’ll notice that these clever chaps understand a lot through body language and communication. So talk to your dog, he probably won’t answer you with words, but he will definitely understand what you a telling him.

Be concise

Words should be short (reminder that even your dog’s name should be 2 or 3 syllables at the most). Orders should be short and use a dog directed speech. For example, say “come”, avoid saying “You need to come, we are going back inside”. Owners often feel as though they are being sharp by giving short commands, but single word orders can still be said kindly with the right tone of voice. An order that is too long, will not be understood.

Eye contact is super important as well, when the dog owner gives an order, therefore pay attention to your dog’s whereabouts, look at him in the eyes, use a high pitched tone of voice and fire that order.

Be consistent

For each command you should always use the same wording, so that it gives a better chance for your dog to understand what you are asking him to do. If you have chosen to say “sit”, don’t change it for “sit down”, as your dog will think you are giving them a different order. Dogs remember the tone more than to the word itself. Remember to always praise him (“Good boy!”) and give him a treat every time you are satisfied with your dog.

You could potentially speak to your dog in another language. However, the examples you use are limited as the tone for the command needs to sound similar. Each member of the family would have to use the same terms.

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