If you want your blue-eyed beast to last forever, though, you need a breed that doesn’t develop this extra coat. It’s a genetic thing. So, let’s go genes shopping!
My baby’s got blue eyes
Some cat breeds (such as the Balinese, Birman, Himalayan, Javanese…) will always have blue eyes. Many others (including the Bambino, British Shorthair, and Cornish Rex) can also end up with blue eyes, depending on their programming.
Cats that get the ‘dominant white’ gene will always end up with blue eyes. They may have dodgy hearing, too, as this gene affects the cells in the ears. Blue-eyed albinos develop far less pigment, hence their eyes stay blue as they age.
It’s important to know that your cat’s breeder is a reputable soul, since cats with funky genetics like this can end up with other kinds of hereditary problems.
But let’s have a look at some of the best of the blue-eyed moggies.
Cat breed with blue eyes #1: The Siamese

A real looker among cats, the Siamese is famous for its cappuccino fur and baby blue-eye combo. As so often occurs in life, the Siamese is forgiven many of its foibles by virtue of its good looks. However, they’re quite often cross-eyed, which at least adds a bit of humour to the mix.
It’s a sensitive soul, prone to melancholy and loneliness. And its ancestors were pampered by monks as the beloved companions of Thai royalty, so you can expect the creature to be a bit touchy and temperamental.
Cat breed with blue eyes #2: The Turkish Angora

The Angora is a friendly if statuesque soul who socialises in a manner uncommon amongst its feline cousins. For example, it will inspect everyone who comes to your house just as a dog would. And indeed, if it lives among dogs, it will likely consider itself the top one.
The fluffy, silky white hair that gives the cat its name is reasonably easy to groom. And while its blue eyes sparkle among all that snow, you might alternatively go for green, gold, or amber-eyed Angora. They all look pretty jewel-like. But you’re here for the blue eyes, right?
Cat breed with blue eyes #3: The Ojos Azules

With a name that’s Spanish for ‘blue eyes,’ you could say this is the definitive blue-eyed cat. But unfortunately for purists, this breed is super-rare. In 1992, cat counters were able to discover only ten of the critters!
Remarkably for such a desirable moggy, the creature is actually the result of a blue-eyed feral cat breeding with her upmarket male neighbours in Mexico, some time in the 1980s.
Cat breed with blue eyes #4: The Ragdoll

Known equally for its stunning azure eyes and its enormous, floppy body, the Ragdoll is thought to be the descendent of a white Persian cat queen and a Birman.
If you’re sick of neurotic cats, then you’ll be pleased to know the ragdoll is about as laid-back as they come. No drama with these guys. But they are known for inheriting heart problems from each other, so perhaps all that stress gets absorbed straight to their tickers.
Cat breed with blue eyes #5: The Javanese

Originating with the Siamese, Colourpoint, and Balinese cats, the Javanese is technically a ‘branch’ of the Balinese family. In fact, it’s even named after Java because Java is so close to Bali. Which is kind of silly as the Balinese cat isn’t from Bali. Still, if your job was to name cats all day, you’d probably come up with some playful solutions, too.
This lanky, pointy-eared weirdo will follow you everywhere, chatting away (in cat language) and taking interest in what you do. So you need to be tolerant to having a constant companion under your feet, and also have the free time to play with the energetic beast from time to time.
Old blue-eyes
As you see, there is a good variety of blue-eyed cats to choose from. And it’s certainly easier than trying to give coloured contact lenses to a brown-eyed cat. Which one do you fancy?