
Dog hides boiled eggs in cheeks and makes hilarious video
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Dog steals eggs but tries to act innocent; get ready to laugh out loud (video)

By Alice Lang Copywriter

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This cute, cheeky labrador took the chance to steal his owner's boiled eggs... but he didnt have the best escape plan. Watch the hilarious video here!

Does your pooch ever attempt to steal your food? We're guessing that's a yes - what dog doesn't love food in all its forms? 

But this Labrador hasn't quite got the food-stealing thing perfected - in fact, he's just incredibly obvious! Despite his best efforts to steal and hide the boiled eggs, he failed miserably. Poor little pup!

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The egg thief

The gorgeous Labrador's owner had boiled two eggs and left them on a plate. He left the room for just a few minutes, assuming his eggs would be there when he returned—but, boy, was he wrong!

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The sneaky little Labrador raced to the eggs, hoping for a cheeky lunchtime snack. After all, no one would ever find out, right? Wrong, wrong, wrong. When the owner returned and found his eggs missing, he immediately turned to his dog.

And, well, all we'll say is that it's pretty hard to hide the fact that you've stolen two eggs when your cheeks suddenly puff up in the shape of an egg. It's not a good plan, doggy, not a good plan at all!

The cheeky canine looked innocently at his owner as if to say, "I don't know where the eggs are. It definitely wasn't me!". 

The video has truly 'cracked' up the internet

But the lab couldn't hold the eggs any longer. Suddenly, an egg dropped out of his mouth and straight to the floor. A second later, the other one went, too. Whoops—busted! Of course, the bemused owner couldn't possibly be angry at his hilarious pooch. After all, immediately after the eggs fell out of the dog's mouth, he gave his owner the most tender, cute stare - he clearly knew he'd been caught out. Better luck next time, doggy!

Everyone knows how much the internet loves a good dog video. Well, this one was clearly egg-cellent (sorry, we had to!) because it's been retweeted over 140,000 times. 

Even though the cute Lab didn't get his boiled eggs, he sure did make the internet smile—and we think that's quite an achievement. You go, doggy!

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