
Dog locked in car
© Sergei Shubin - Shutterstock

Passersby spot puppies in car; what they see the next day leaves them stunned

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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Animal welfare officers from the RSPCA rescued two chocolate Labrador puppies who had been left locked in a car for over 24 hours!

Shoppers in Surrey spotted the pair of pups inside the back of a vehicle in a supermarket car park. When some of them returned the next day, they noticed that the car and the puppies hadn't moved.

RSPCA to the rescue

A call to the local RSPCA office brought two animal welfare officers to the rescue. They managed to pull down a partially open window and lift the two adorable little Labradors to safety.

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The abandoned baby pooches are now under the care of volunteers at the Millbrook Animal Centre, a local rescue service that cares for and rehomes unwanted dogs.

The staff named the cute duo Bandit and Bow. The pups were a little confused and disoriented at first. But they're in excellent health and will go up for adoption soon.

Chloe Wilson was one of the RSPCA rescue officers who was called to this bizarre scene. She said, "Witnesses say the car had been there since the previous day, so we believe the dogs may have been inside for at least 24 hours."

"Thankfully, these puppies were okay. But it could have been a much more tragic ending for these innocent pups. It's been really hot recently, and when it's 22C outside, it can quickly reach over 40C inside a parked car."

temperature inside a car parked in the sun

Temperatures can reach deadly levels within just a few minutes©Wamiz

When will people learn?

The RSPCA is running a Dogs Die in Hot Cars campaign to (once again) remind people about the dangers of leaving dogs alone in cars. Hundreds of dogs die each year from being locked in a hot car, and many more fall seriously ill.

The Millbrook Animal Centre received a call from a man claiming to be the owner of the car and dogs. He arranged to collect the pups but never showed up. Staff tried calling back several times but have yet to make contact. 

And maybe that's a good thing. Some people just don't deserve dogs, and this guy is clearly one of them.

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