
Dog hiding in grass
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Groundbreaking discovery made in German national park

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A biologist working in a German National Park stumbled upon a dog that had been missing from its home for over a week!

Biologist Rainer Schulz was on his daily rounds at the St. Peter Ording National Park near Sankt Peter-Ording, a popular German seaside resort. Schulz is part of an ongoing project to protect the park's native seabirds.

What's that hiding in the bushes?

Shulz often sees birds and other animals stalking through the bushes and trees. But on this particular day, Schulz glimpsed a large black creature that didn't belong anywhere near a national park.

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The experienced animal spotter froze, panicked that any sudden movements might attract the attention of this mystery beast. Schulz held his breath, hoping to remain unnoticed. And then the 'beast' revealed itself, and Schulz's fear turned to relief. There was nothing to be scared about. It was a large and friendly-looking black dog. And it needed Schulz's help.

"The dog was cold and scared," said Schulz. "He looked well-fed and healthy, so I knew it wasn't a stray. I had to get him back to where he belonged."

The biologist became the dog catcher, using a piece of rope to leash the dog. He then drove to a local police station, where officers searched for the canine's owners.

A phone call to the local vet office revealed that this dog was called Moritz. The vet knew Moritz and his family, who'd been looking for their furriest member for over a week.

Morizt goes home

Moritz ran away from home after getting spooked by all the loud fireworks on New Year's Eve. And Moritz clearly didn't stop running until he reached the peace and quiet of the national park.

The 15-year-old crossbreed was in pretty good shape, considering he'd spent seven days and nights alone. Still, it must have been a scary experience for poor Moritz. 

Moritz is back where he belongs now, enjoying regular meals, many cuddles, and a soft bed to sleep in every night. It's the life every dog dreams of and deserves.

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